Welcome to Math 2 Merit
Math 2 Merit is offering a quality and scientifically approved concept - ABACUS. Mental Math skills through ABACUS PROGRAM, when introduced at an younger age helps a child to stand at a proficient level in math concepts. As an alternate to the routine memorization techniques in academics, Abacus based mental arithmetic gives a playful curriculum with puzzles, activities and calculations divided into 8 levels, which promotes creative skills and growth of visualization ability that leads to a stronger foundation in mathematics and other subjects too.
Why Math 2 Merit?
Being an ultimate provider of quality, Math 2 Merit offers a perfect standard of brain stimulation patterns and fun classrooms with dedicated faculty who is experienced in teaching systematic arithmetic functions and helps students set free the powerful potential using imaginary measures that results in self-confidence and complex problem solving.

Math 2 Merit Kids Academy is operating through franchises in various cities of India & launching abroad.Our franchises work with a motto of creating genuine environment for students with apt infrastructure of class room combined with skill development

bringing a revolution through Math related programmes and activities such as Regular Abacus Programme and Online Abacus Programme based on ancient methodologies, which were proven successful centuries ago, and now modernized according

Our commitment took us few steps beyond from grass-roots to the elite level in international arena through our online abacus programme and regular weekend centers launched in Europe and to be launched in USA.

What Parents Say
"My daughter is attending online Abacus class using Skype. She is developed interest toward math compared to one to one session. Interaction is very live and all her queries are addressed without any difficulty.
We are impressed with Math 2 Merit team’s dedication, punctuality, teaching skills and interaction ability. Faculty is at her top on the subject knowledge. We are lucky to choose Math 2 Merit Abacus Classes."
We find Math 2 Merit Abacus Classes really useful for our daughter. Her grasp of mental maths has visibly improved since she started it a year ago. Math 2 Merit team is brilliant & commited to getting the best out of their pupil. We can’t wait for our son to start learning as well.
I am very happy to let you know that Math 2 Merit have done a great job, right from start to have a well organised process to conduct online abacus classes + home work and it has helped Sarah to be quick with mathematical operations. She learned times tables much before than her class teacher expected her to know it.
Your training and homework has also helped her in getting an edge in school work. The books are well designed to give children lots of practise and learn the technique.